Lesson 8 - Brushes, Layers and the Clone Stamp Tool

You've just experienced the tip of the iceberg when it comes to "perfecting" your floral images. Complete your education now by purchasing the "Perfection" Bundle which includes the 5 Lessons from this Complimentary Series you just watched along with an additional 17 Lessons that will take your floral post-processing techniques to new levels of excellence!

The Member pricing for the "Perfection" Bundle is $229.99; however, if you purchase these Courses within the first 30 days of your Membership, you can obtain all 27 Lessons for just $165.00 by ordering through this special link: https://form.jotform.com/201208496538156.

Lightroom, Adobe Camera Raw, and Photoshop are changing by leaps and bounds every few months. This purchase also entitles you to receive the lesson upgrades that will include demonstrations of this great new technology along with a two-lesson overview of all Adobe AI updates. Again, the purchase price of $165 (or two payments of $85/each) includes all these new and updated lessons at no additional charge.

Consider learning how to post-process your images and take your photographic artwork to new levels of excellence in a very short amount of time.

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