About 10 years before I left wedding photography, digital SLR cameras were just cresting the horizon. I knew then and there that I was going to have to become my own Lab and subsequently spent 50-60 hours a week post processing images for myself and the four photographers that worked for me. During those 10 years, I post processed more than 250,000 images.
The year after I left my wedding business in the capable hands of my daughter, I went back to my first love, landscape photography. And then, I found flowers !!!
Somewhere in the midst of finding flowers and seeing how much photographers struggle with post processing, I decided to combine everything I know about photography and post processing and form an educational business, "Images that Speak Education" (ITS), because I know with certainty, if our images are properly finished they have a message that will speak to those that view it.
This site is now the home for all my educational video series, blog articles, eBooks and much more. Flowers are just the beginning of the educational series that will be found here and I invite you to sample the complimentary lessons and learn. I believe you will see that investing in the education that I'm offering will take your post processing skills to a new level of excellence!
Stayed tuned ... the best is yet to come!