If you have a love for flower photography, you will be even more in love with the works of art you can create by painting your flowers in Photoshop. There is no other product that can give your floral portraits a unique, painterly appearance. And here's the best part; you are the artist that makes it all happen.

This Painting Flowers in Photoshop *Lite Course includes 4 Lessons from the Painting Flowers in Photoshop *Complete Course.

Using two different brushes, you will learn the painting technique that works with many flowers, particularly those that have inherent lines and those that need to be perfectly smooth. ** Note ** The brushes included in this Lesson are not intended to paint every type of flower. Many flowers require other, more sophisticated brushes that are available in the *Complete Course or Painting Flowers in Photoshop Volume II.

Each Lesson has a run-time of about 55 minutes. I do paint the entire flower because I want to ensure that all the information you need to be successful is being taught.

In your Curriculum you will find the flower file for each Lesson, along with a background file if required. I also supply a video on how to setup your Wacom Tablet for use in Photoshop.

Although this Course does not give you access to the full ten Lessons or the additional 10 brushes, you can apply all the payments you have made to upgrade to the *Complete Course anytime within the first year of your purchase. 100% of what you paid will be applied toward the retail price of the *Complete

If you wish to purchase this Course, please click the Purchase Now button below. When you click the button, the order form will open and allow you to pay in full.

If you scroll to the bottom of this page you will see my pre-sale webinar video. I answer a lot of questions regarding this product in that video and it is well worth watching.

Important Notes:

A Wacom Tablet is required to paint flowers in Photoshop !!!

Additionally, I highly recommend that you have the required Photoshop skills to successfully complete this course. You are required to know:

  1. How to use Layers and Masks
  2. How to get a perfect cutout of your flowers stems and leaves
  3. How to use the Polygonal and Magnetic Lasso Tools effectively
  4. How to quickly change between tools as you are painting using Photoshop shortcut keys

If you are unfamiliar with this process, you may bundle your Painting Series with my Perfection Series at a 50% discount; however, if you feel you are capable of moving forward without learning from the Perfection Course, it is recommended that you setup a 15-minute online session with Rosie to have your skills tested. There is no charge for this session as Rosie simply wants to ensure you have the skills required to be successful.

Please remember that you can join The Joy of Flower Photography FB Group to receive a $100 Discount off the price of the *Complete Course. Use this link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thejoyofflowerphotography

Hi, I’m Rosie Lalonde

In 2015, I was determined to find a way to paint flowers in Photoshop and although I was very successful in painting portraits using Corel Painter, that product was just not working out for flower painting.

I knew that Photoshop was capable of painting, but what I came to learn is that, the secret to painting is in the brush. With that knowledge I was able to develop a set of brushes specifically for painting flowers, and over the period of 3 years, I experimented with and refined the brushes until the techniques taught in this Course came to fruition.

Feel free to contact me by clicking this link.

The Flowers You will Paint in this Course

Lesson #1 - Red Tulip

Lesson 1 starts out with cutting out this tulip and adding it to a textured background and is completed by painting the flower and stem

Lesson #2 - Red & Yellow Dahlia

In this Lesson you will learn to develop your brush strokes to an even greater degree of perfection

Lesson #3 - Northern Magnolia

This Lesson introduces a new brush which will paint your images with very few visible strokes. You will also continue to work with background textures and find a new and different use for them as well

Lesson #4 - Blue Anemone

In this Lesson you will be introduced to a variety of new techniques using all the brushes you have learned about thus far to give this Blue Anemone the perfect finish